Fortinet simplifies cloud security with FortiCNP

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Fortinet has announced FortiCNP, a new built-in-the-cloud offering that correlates security findings from across an organisation’s cloud footprint to facilitate friction-free cloud security operations. FortiCNP’s patented Resource Risk Insights (RRI) technology produces context-rich, actionable insights that help teams prioritise the remediation and mitigation of risks with the highest potential impact on cloud workload security without slowing down the business.

Fortinet has also announced it is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Launch Partner for Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection, which provides agentless malware detection capabilities across AWS data stores, disk volumes, and workload images. FortiCNP supports Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection, delivering near-real-time threat protection with zero-permission capabilities to actively scan running workloads with no impact or delays to operations.

The rapid pace of cloud adoption as part of a hybrid IT architecture allows organizations to achieve faster time to market and increased responsiveness to customer needs. However, the cloud can increase overall security risk, which is often addressed by adding new security solutions to an organization’s existing infrastructure. Each of these solutions comes with a litany of alerts that often require manual analysis and can quickly compound across an organization’s cloud deployment.

A defining feature of FortiCNP is integration with AWS security products and services, and the Fortinet Security Fabric, which helps organisations more effectively secure their cloud environments and maximise their cloud security investments.

“At AWS, we provide our customers with smarter tools to easily take action and mitigate risk faster,” said Jon Ramsey, Vice President (VP) AWS Security. “Security Partners like Fortinet with their FortiCNP offering built on AWS and integrated with our security services like Amazon GuardDuty give customers a choice to simplify and accelerate their cloud journey with cloud-native security services.”

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