A10 Networks adds zero-day automated protection to DDoS defence

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A10 Networks has announced that it has added Zero-day Automated Protection (ZAP) capabilities to its Thunder Threat Protection System (TPS) family of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) defense solutions.

According to the firm, the ZAP capabilities automatically recognise the characteristics of DDoS attacks and apply mitigation filters without advanced configuration or manual intervention. This speeds up the response to the increasingly sophisticated multi-vector attacks to minimize downtime and errors and lower operating costs.

“The economics of DDoS mitigation and attacks are very much slanted towards the attackers now, so we will need more efficient tools and advanced technologies to balance the equation to make DDoS defense more effective and economical,” said Chris Rodriguez, research manager, cybersecurity products. “A10 Networks is advancing the economics of DDoS security by leveraging machine learning and advanced heuristics to create that balance.”

A10 Networks’ ZAP is comprised of two components: dynamic attack pattern recognition by a machine learning algorithm and heuristic behavior analysis recognition to dynamically identify anomalous behavior and block attacking agents. ZAP works in conjunction with A10 Networks’ adaptive DDoS security model and its five-level adaptive policy mitigation engines to provide a complete in-depth defense system. This comprehensive approach blocks DDoS attacks while protecting legitimate users from indiscriminate collateral damage typically associated with traditional DDoS protection methods.

The ZAP policies can be enforced by a combination of hardware and software. Thunder SPE (Security and Policy Engine) appliances can serve up to 100,000 ZAP policies at line rate and the remaining ZAP policies can be served by software. This provides superior mitigation performance over the traditional software only solution, enabling superior response time and scalability.

“In today’s climate with the dramatic increase in polymorphic multi-vector attacks and the chronic shortage of qualified security professionals, enterprises and service providers need intelligently automated defenses that can accomplish tasks autonomously,” said Lee Chen, CEO of A10 Networks. “Manual interventions are not only resource-intensive but too slow and ineffective, resulting in a greater potential of network downtime and high cost to the organization.”

A10 Networks Thunder TPS with ZAP is available now.

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