Kasten by Veeam Reports Near Triple Digit Growth as Kubernetes Momentum Continues

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Kasten by Veeam announced near triple digit Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) year-over-year growth in fiscal year 2022, driven by strong demand for simple, secure protection for Kubernetes deployments. Kasten, the fastest growing business within Veeam, also expanded its footprint by doubling the size of its staff and extending its presence in the enterprise space and key vertical markets such as finance, wireless telecom, and the public sector.

“Kasten by Veeam had a fantastic year reflecting the growth in demand for backup and disaster recovery tools within containerised environments,” said Gaurav Rishi, Vice President of Product Management at Kasten by Veeam. “Based on how our customers are using Kubernetes, we believe there will be an acceleration of interest this year as companies pivot to DevOps and automation. It’s an exciting time for Kasten by Veeam as we continue to deliver incredible innovation that is helping more customers realise the potential of containers to solve real-work business challenges.”

The release of K10 V5.5 at the end of 2022 provides powerful new capabilities around Autonomous Operations and Cloud Native Expansion. It addressed challenges found in Kubernetes around operational complexity at scale and across diverse deployment environments while supporting an organisation’s ability to automate data management tasks. With containers and Kubernetes trending to a mainstream production platform, the company anticipates that third-party backup tools will become the norm in data protection.

According to recent ESG research commissioned by Kasten, “83% of organisations will be using containers in the next 12 months,” said Christophe Bertrand, Practice Director at ESG. “The container backup market will continue at a fast pace, considering 93% of organisations think it is important to have a container backup and recovery management solutions that works across multiple public cloud infrastructure. “

Kubernetes adoption has exponentially increased over the years, and the need for greater data protection is expected to continue this growth trajectory, making education a key step to success. Kasten’s learning platform, KubeCampus.io, which offers free Kubernetes courses and hands-on labs, saw a 50% increase in users in in 2022 — surpassing 15,000 users and 12,000 labs taken by the end of the year.

For more information on Kasten by Veeam, please visit www.kasten.io or try K10 for FREE.

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