Navigating 5G-A Evolution

During the SAMENA Leader's Summit 2024, Dr. Mohamed Madkour, Vice President of Global Marketing and Solution Sales for Carrier Networks at Huawei, elaborated on Huawei's journey in the evolution of 5G-A and conveyed their enthusiasm for its imminent launch.

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Can you elaborate on the advanced stages of development for 5G-A and how Huawei is contributing to shaping its evolution?

In the past five years, 5G has seen remarkable success, not just in terms of deployment scale but also in the range of services adopted. This includes innovations like fixed wireless access, which has gained traction in the market. Now, there’s a strong drive in the region to elevate this success to the next level with 5G Advanced (5G-A).

5G-A represents a significant enhancement over regular 5G, offering speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second, along with adding more dimensions to the experience, for example, latency and reliability.

Currently, the 3GPP standard organisation is finalising the first release of 5G-A, indicating its imminent arrival.

Huawei has been deeply involved in this development journey, collaborating closely with standard organisations to finalise specifications and conducting extensive trials and pre-commercial deployments with numerous carriers across the region. This ensures that both the technical standards and Huawei’s readiness align with operators’ ambitions to lead in 5G-A deployment. With all stakeholders poised for advancement, the stage is set for the rollout of 5G-A, promising a new era of connectivity and technological advancement.


What is Huawei’s strategic approach and the key solutions it offers in the realm of 5G-A?

Huawei’s strategic approach to 5G-A revolves around safeguarding operators’ investments while offering cutting-edge solutions. One key aspect is ensuring that their equipment and platforms are 5G-A ready, a vision set in motion years ago. This readiness extends beyond radio interfaces to encompass various domains like transport and core networks.

The strategy aims to deliver not only superior performance but also intelligence and eco-friendliness, aligning with the industry’s sustainability goals. However, the ultimate goal is to translate this infrastructure excellence into compelling business opportunities.

Huawei facilitates these opportunities across diverse sectors, from consumer markets to broadband services and industrial applications. By bridging the gap between advanced infrastructure and business innovation, Huawei seeks to unlock the full potential of 5G-A for both operators and end-users alike.


With the promise of 10-gigabit speeds, how do you envision this transformative capability impacting industries and consumer experiences?

The advent of 10-gigabit speeds heralds a significant technological advancement, poised to reshape both consumer experiences and industrial landscapes. Beyond mere velocity, this transformative capability holds profound implications for various sectors.

In the consumer realm, the proliferation of high-speed connectivity catalyses a new era of digital engagement, underpinned by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). Enhanced streaming quality, immersive 3D content, and AI-driven applications stand as hallmark offerings set to redefine user experiences. Moreover, the seamless integration of these technologies within smart homes underscores the imperative for reliability and responsiveness, transcending mere velocity considerations.

Conversely, within industrial contexts, the impact extends beyond accelerated downloads to encompass critical aspects such as uplink speed, reliability, and latency. Industries, particularly those reliant on real-time data transmission for processes like quality inspection, stand to benefit significantly. The convergence of high-speed, reliable connectivity with swift responsiveness opens avenues for heightened operational efficiency and innovation across various industrial verticals.

In essence, the advent of 5G-A represents not only a leap in speed but also a paradigm shift in reliability, responsiveness, and the transformative potential of connectivity across diverse domains.


Could you share insights into Huawei’s collaboration with regional operators in deploying and advancing 5G-A technology?

As mentioned earlier, Huawei’s collaboration with regional operators in deploying and advancing 5G-A technology has been extensive and impactful. Through numerous pre-commercial trials and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), Huawei has forged strong partnerships with leading operators across Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and beyond.

Huawei is dedicated to supporting regional carriers in maintaining their leadership positions in the global arena of 5G technology. The collective enthusiasm and expertise in the region position it as a pivotal hub for the evolution of 5G-A.

Looking ahead, 2024 marks a significant milestone as it ushers in the commercialisation of 5G-A. Huawei remains committed to facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among all stakeholders at the SAMENA Summit. Together, we are poised to harness the full potential of 5G-A technology and drive unprecedented progress and innovation.


Considering the anticipated commercial rollout of 5G-A in 2024, what are the key milestones and challenges Huawei anticipates in this pivotal year for next-generation connectivity?

Huawei anticipates a landscape filled with opportunities for advancement, however, along with these opportunities come areas that require collaborative effort and attention.

One key focus for Huawei is fostering collaboration across the ecosystem to fully realise the potential of 5G-A technology. While the technology serves as a foundation, its value is truly unlocked through applications and collaborative efforts.

Additionally, Huawei recognises the importance of addressing challenges related to content and terminal development. Collaboration in these areas will be essential for driving innovation and maximising the benefits of 5G-A.

Moreover, Huawei emphasises the critical need for talent cultivation in the era of 5G-A, cloud, and AI. Investing in talent development through initiatives like Huawei Academy and ICT competitions is vital for overcoming barriers to transformation and ensuring sustained technological progress.

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