5 Ways AI Is Reshaping Telco Cloud Networks

Walid Yehia, Managing Director - UAE at Dell Technologies, explores the essential role AI can play in telecom networks and the tangible benefits being realised in telco cloud networks.

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The telecom industry stands at a critical juncture as it navigates the convergence of emerging technology, against a fast-changing business landscape and ever-evolving consumer expectations. Despite these rapid advancements, the Middle East’s telecommunications market is projected to witness a growth of USD 20.57 billion between 2021 and 2026, with a projected CAGR of 3.25%.

Today, 62% of businesses in the GCC are using AI/GenAI for at least one function in their organisation, and 84% of Middle East organisations consider AI a top priority. Telco cloud networks, therefore, stand to experience a paradigm shift, with the integration of AI, redefining how they operate and deliver services.

Let’s delve into the essential role AI can play in telecom networks and the tangible benefits being realised in telco cloud networks.

Driving network performance, efficiency, and reliability

AI-driven algorithms analyse vast amounts of data in real-time, allowing telecom operators to identify bottlenecks, reduce latency, and enhance overall network reliability. AI algorithms can also adapt to network demands, allocating resources efficiently and adjusting configurations in real-time. This allows for more agile and responsive networks, capable of meeting the demands of today’s data-intensive applications. AI’s predictive capabilities are also a game-changer for telecom networks. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, operators can predict potential equipment failures before they occur. A report by Ericsson indicates that AI-powered predictive maintenance in networks can reduce critical incidents by up to 35%, significantly improving service reliability. This not only minimises downtime but also contributes to cost savings through optimised maintenance schedules.

AI for 5G and 5G for AI

AI is intrinsically embedded in many of 5G’s signal processing tasks, traffic prediction algorithms and self-optimisation routines. With the use of AI, 5G networks can predict traffic patterns and electronically focus its antenna array, accordingly, assuring that network resources will be always used effectively. It can also intelligently power off parts of the network equipment to save energy. Advanced scheduling mechanisms and noise cancellation processing tasks are also 5G processes that rely on AI. By combining big data, IoT and AI, disruptive technology advancements start to revolutionise traditional industry verticals.

At Dell Technologies, we see the combination of 5G, AI and data connectivity at the edge as a transformative platform to enable new possibilities for enterprises, governments, and society in general. AI will allow machines and systems to function with intelligence levels like that of humans. 5G will connect sensors and devices at speed while AI simultaneously analyses and learns from data, enabling real-time feedback loops.

AI enables intelligent network security

According to the 2023 Dell Technologies Global Data Protection Index, over half (54%) of organisations suffered a cyberattack or incident that prevented access to data last year. With the expanded threat landscape, telecom networks are not immune to these emerging cyber challenges. However, AI is proving to be a formidable ally in facing cyber threats, and telco cloud networks can benefit from AI-driven threat detection, which can identify and neutralise potential security breaches in real time, ensuring the integrity of sensitive data.


Analyses data to deliver personalised customer experiences

AI’s impact extends beyond the infrastructure, enhancing the customer experience. Telecom operators can leverage AI to analyse customer behaviour, preferences, and usage patterns. This data enables the delivery of personalised services and targeted promotions. In a survey by Analysis Mason, about 20% of CSP respondents said they are investing in new services based on data insights derived from AI.

Enhances cost savings and revenue generation

AI implementation in telco cloud networks is not just about efficiency; it’s a strategic move for cost savings and revenue generation. A study by McKinsey suggests that AI deployments can reduce energy costs by at least 15% for telecom operators. Additionally, AI-driven analytics can uncover new revenue streams by identifying market trends, predicting customer needs, and supporting the development of targeted services.

Embracing the AI Revolution in Telecom Networks

The integration of AI into telco cloud networks is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s hyper-connected world. As telecom operators embrace the AI revolution, they position themselves at the forefront of innovation, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the digital era. The journey towards AI-powered telco networks is not just about upgrading infrastructure; it’s about unlocking the full potential of connectivity for a smarter and more efficient future.

To learn more about Dell’s AI-Ready portfolio, visit our Dell AI Central page.

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