Cloud Box Technologies: Enabling Digital Ambitions

Ranjith Kaippada, Managing Director at Cloud Box Technologies, explains how the solutions provider goes the extra mile to tailor solutions that enable regional organisations realise their digital goals efficiently.

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What have been two milestones at Cloud Box Technologies over the past year? 

Over the past year, we have emerged as one of the finest enterprise value-added systems integrators in the region. We are self-equipped today to deliver the solutions we offer to our customers.


How is Cloud Box enabling customers to accelerate digital transformation agendas?  

The acceptance for the need to improve business efficiency through digital technology is what defines business transformation. There are emerging technologies which are paving the way for businesses to deliver their product and services, and this works differently for every department, be it marketing, logistics, supply chain management or finance. We have been focused on strengthening our digital transformation offerings and are working closely with our global vendors to enable work from anywhere requirements. We are also working around infrastructure solutions along with SAP HANA and the recent launch of our security offerings are some of the key drivers that are enabling our customers on their digital transformation journey. 


How can regional customers successfully embed security in the modern hybrid organisation? 

Many organisations are equipping themselves with good leadership, strengthening the IT needs, adapting the new normal and strategising on the future of the business. They are looking at assessing and becoming more prepared to tackle sudden changes, to enable themselves to make sharper and quicker decisions and use resources more effectively.  The top priority of a company’s efforts to improve cybersecurity culture focus on training employees. The primary goal of a security culture is to foster change and enhance security, so it must be disruptive to the organisation and deliberate with a set of actions to promote the change.


How are you setting the company up as customers’ trusted advisor and helping them navigate the increasingly digital landscape? 

Cloud Box Technologies (CBT) has been working closely with companies to make their digital transformation strategies a reality. We work closely with customers to assess the risks and opportunities of deploying new digital technologies and how they can use these technologies to improve performance. CBT helps businesses with data and information management, and analytics to help them unlock their organisational potential, improve decision-making, and boost performance. Every customer is unique and hence we work on customised transformational strategies to ensure new business models, which can help improve their decision-making capabilities and in turn ensure operational efficiency. We are also offering vertical industry focused solutions and services like our AI offering for healthcare and retail.


As a systems integrator and solutions provider, what are the challenges you see in the market today? How is Cloud Box addressing these issues? 

We all know 2020 was a year of challenges with unexpected cracks that highlighted business vulnerabilities. Our biggest learning is in accepting these challenges, taking risks and more importantly focus on the need to be agile across the board. Business will never be the same and we must work towards a different future than the one we anticipated and must therefore be focused on innovation and the ability to take risks.  

Adopting digital technologies require both IT and business to work together to map out the digital transformation journey. Some of the challenges we see today are lack of digitalisation strategy, budget constraints, complex organisation structure, lack of expertise and skills, policy bottlenecks and bureaucratic inertia, privacy and security, lack of innovation and transitioning staff to new technologies. 


We are always at the forefront to help customers with their digital transformation journey. We help companies build the strategy, offer flexible payment plans, provide necessary experts and skillsets. We also train the team to help them understand deeply the journey of transformation.

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